Kindergarten Program

SEA KindergartenLearning to Read Kindergarten Program

Our curriculum options for kindergarten put your child on the path to success.  Development of readiness skills in reading and math ensure that your child is ready to move forward with confidence and success.

Because we know that students have completed a quality learning to read foundation in kindergarten, students can easily continue into our 1st grade at Southeast Academy.

SEA Kindergarten Full Year Tuition (includes curriculum):
$125 family registration fee and $575 tuition. Only $110 for a second kindergarten student including materials!

Fill out a simple registration form today to save a spot for 2020-21! The $125 family registration fee is due with your registration form. You can pay the family registration fee online or call in your payment information. The family registration fee covers any other students in any of our programs. After the registration fee, the tuition is typically due a week before the curriculum and materials shipment. Look over the curriculum information below, then visit our Admissions page to fill out the simple “New Student Registration” form. 

Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten ProgramsMain Kindergarten Components:

Kindergarten Math – From counting and place value to comparisons and fractions, SEA Math Kindergarten provides both a fun and functional way for students to learn basic math skills that become the building blocks for learning.  Math concepts are presented within 160 colorful student lessons, each lesson providing a review and presenting new material. A Teacher Handbook comes with student worksheets, answer keys, teaching tips, and additional activities to provide resources for parents to help the learning process.  Set includesStudent Books 1 & 2, with Teacher Handbook

Kindergarten Phonics and Reading – This curriculum is a phonetically based word recognition and early reading program.  Students learn to identify the names and sounds of each letter through a picture association with an alphabet story.  This creative and colorful approach makes learning fun. Set includes:  Student Books 1-4, Readers 1-4, with Teacher Handbook

PDF Samples: (new window will open)

Math Books 1 & 2 with Teacher’s Guide.

Math Student Book 1

Math Student Book 2

Math Teacher’s Guide

Phonics and Reading Books 1-4.

Phonics & Reading Student Book 1

Phonics & Reading Student Book 2

Phonics & Reading Student Book 3

Phonics & Reading Student Book 4

Student Readers 1-4.

Phonics & Reading Reader 1

Phonics & Reading Reader 2

Phonics & Reading Reader 3

Phonics & Reading Reader 4

Teacher’s Guides 1-4.

Phonics & Reading Teacher’s Guide 1

Phonics & Reading Teacher’s Guide 2

Phonics & Reading Teacher’s Guide 3

 Phonics & Reading Teacher’s Guide 4

Math Worksheets Optional ($4.95) Math Student Worksheet Packet


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